The Martín de Vidales Art gallery is pleased to confirm its participation in the JUSTLX Fair in the 2023 edition from May 25th to 28th at Congress Center Praça das Indústrias 1, 1300-307 Lisboa (Portugal). 

The featured artists are Adriana Rodríguez, CR4NDO and the Fotolateras. The exhibition project is curated by Leo Casas Vicente.

Totte Mannes, is a painter born in Finland, member of the group of Spanish painters of the second half of the 20th century, including Canogar, Sempere, Chirino among others. Her work evolves from 20th century surrealism in a realistic context, a personal op-art of coherent sets of ribbons or sheets with a masterful technique and the utmost perfection both in the set and in each element that Mannes treats with elegance, resulting in sets where each one has life and movement in a nature that the artist builds for them. Mannes also creates her own constructivist works, breaking down musical instruments to investigate painting and music, thus bringing the senses of sight and hearing closer together in an aesthetic experience that links both.

Adriana Rodríguez's work reflects the study and development of ideas and thoughts without any end or conclusive answer and without technical limits. Starting from the knowledge of the academic technique, she destroys, builds in a joyful way. The artist defines it as an essay aesthetic that starts from used fabrics with a past, with stains, wear and seams that are worked on to be drawn, painted and scribbled. As if the margins of a notebook were treated with ink, blots, plastic/graphic accidents of an internal struggle that are used to capture the different options and the path of a single thought, creating a plastic space open to interpretation.

CR4-Ndo has designed a set of more than 10 works made from recycled cardboard and other materials with white lines on a black background. The set is called See without light, it is a set made up of works seen from the darkness of black that the artist draws from respect with slight changes. Her goal is to seek the observant eye to present questions of ideas from other times that for the artist may present contradictions or require other readings. It is a set of small-medium format works that interact with an observation that recognizes the original works where the artist puts interpretation to the test. CR4-Ndo renames them using Latin words that differ from her original accepting the challenge that some words did not exist when Latin was used in everyday communication. CR4NDO also includes a self-portrait with the same technique. 

With the collaboration of the Culture, Tourism and Sports Government Area of the Madrid City Council
With the collaboration of the Culture, Tourism and Sports Government Area of the Madrid City Council