The Martín de Vidales Art gallery is pleased to confirm its participation in the JUSTMAD Fair from March 7 to 10 in its 2024 edition, at the Palacio de Neptuno, Calle Cervantes 42 in Madrid.

It is a pride to have an invitation in the SOLO section with the artists Adriana Rodríguez. 

The curatorship is carried out by Leo Casas.

Adriana Rodríguez's work reflects the study and development of ideas and thoughts without any end or conclusive answer and without technical limits. Starting from the knowledge of the academic technique, she destroys, builds in a joyful way. The artist defines it as an essay aesthetic that starts from used fabrics with a past, with stains, wear and seams that are worked on to be drawn, painted and scribbled. As if the margins of a notebook were treated with ink, blots, plastic/graphic accidents of an internal struggle that are used to capture the different options and the path of a single thought, creating a plastic space open to interpretation.